Pleasantville - Atlantic County Economic Alliance-威尼斯人官网


The City of Pleasantville wants you to “Feel The Energy.”

普莱森特维尔位于南大西洋县,距离新泽西州南部的海滩只有几分钟的路程. 它毗邻大西洋城、蛋港镇、阿布西肯和诺斯菲尔德. Pleasantville is located just two miles from Atlantic City, and the Atlantic City Expressway, Garden State Parkway, and regional shopping centers such as the Hamilton Mall, The Walk Tanger Outlets, and the Golden Mile of Northfield are nearby.

Atlantic City International Airport is just 15 minutes away. Philadelphia Airport is just an hour away, 纽约大都会机场可以通过花园州公园路到达.

大西洋城的铁路线在Absecon停站,离这里只有几分钟的路程. 大西洋城线在费城第30街站为美国铁路公司提供火车服务. The line also connects to the PATCO High Speed Line.

普莱森特维尔也有几个可供选择的地面公共交通. 普莱森特维尔巴士总站位于市中心,交通便利,连接到几个主要的新泽西公交线路连接到大西洋城, Philadelphia, and New York.

普莱森特维尔是一个有吸引力的位置,为那些希望接近工作在大西洋城或附近. 普莱森特维尔有共管公寓、公寓、社区住宅和更大的住宅. There are also areas with Atlantic City skyline views. 普莱森特维尔为首次购房者提供了很多选择,他们想要买得起房子.

Pleasantville有几个项目和新业务正在进行中, including a new Art and Music District, the Marina District, downtown restaurant and more, 所以感受能量,成为普莱森特维尔复兴的一部分!

About Pleasantville

普莱森特维尔最初是蛋港镇的一部分,1888年成为一个自治市镇. The town began along Old Shore Road, 最初是从共和国港到今天的萨默斯角的公共马车路线. The town grew with the addition of trolley service in 1903, with most of the development in the Main Street area.

Pleasantville’s eclectic food scene has something for everyone. 你可以吃到当地的海鲜、墨西哥的、加勒比的、波多黎各的、意大利的、越南的等等. There is even the traditional New Jersey Diner. And for food shopping and takeout, there are several groceries and bodegas, as well as a large Latin Grocery and Asian Supermarket.

普莱森特维尔以在泽西海岸买车而闻名. 沿着黑马高速公路有十多家新车和二手车经销商, 许多经销商在同一个地方呆了几十年. 潜在的买家会发现豪华的新车,实惠的二手车,以及介于两者之间的一切.

普莱森特维尔是大西洋县最适合步行的城镇之一. 购物、餐馆、诊所和公共交通都在市中心. 步行得分给了普莱森特维尔78分,满分100分,非常适合步行, stating: “Most errands can be accomplished on foot; nearby public transportation options, and biking is convenient for most trips.”

从普莱森特维尔到萨默斯角的自行车和步行道长达8英里, connecting Pleasantville to the cities of Northfield, Linwood, and Somers Point. 这条路穿过市中心、社区和公园. 它始于普莱森特维尔,结束于萨默斯点,在那里它连接到52号公路桥径, and then into Ocean City. The north end of the trail begins in in Pleasantville, near the intersection of New Road and Decatur Ave. 这条小路穿过一座闲置的铁路桥,穿过黑马高速公路. It continues then into Northfield.

More information on the bike trail is available here.


Pleasantville has embarked on a new phase of development. 一个新的公共交通车站已经建成,还有公园和其他娱乐设施. 纽约市还获得了联邦和州对其他项目的大量资助, including road and utility infrastructure; streetscapes and bike paths.

The long-awaited Marina and Lakes Bay development has begun. 该地区的近期计划包括180套出租单元,配有游泳池、会所和健身房.

Future plans are to add restaurants in the area. 该计划的另一个关键方面是建设新的普莱森特维尔滨水公园. The park is funded by a $1.2 million Green Acres grant. 该项目的额外资金来自城市企业区计划和城市, officials said. 其他的改进正在码头地区和普莱森特维尔游艇俱乐部进行.



UEZ计划是通过新泽西州社区事务部运作的. UEZ计划鼓励企业通过公共和私人投资发展和创造就业机会. There are qualifications to participate in the UEZ Program.

申请是通过UEZ商业认证系统在线提交的, accessible through NJ Premier Business Services. 链接到说明、示例表单、工作表和有用信息 UEZ Website.

经济特区对企业的好处包括降低零售销售税, tax free purchases on qualifying items of capital equipment, facility expansions, upgrades, and certain personal property.

There is also financial assistance from agencies such as NJEDA; such as subsidized unemployment insurance costs for certain employees and an Energy Sales Tax Exemption for qualified manufacturing firms with at least 250 full-time employees (phone: 866-534-7789).

Also, 对于新雇佣的永久全职员工,有税收抵免的选择, or Corporate Business Tax credit on qualified investments.

Join the top employers who are doing business in Pleasantville; AC Linen, TriCare Medical Transportation, South Jersey Publishing, publisher of The Press of Atlantic City, Sam’s Club, and Atlantic City Coin and Slot.


对于大西洋县企业| ACIA商业贷款可以与小企业管理贷款相结合,以获得最大的影响

Click here for details


For New Jersey Businesses | Various Loans and Incentives | Click here for details

Primary Contact

Municipality Data

通过下面的链接查找有关该城市人口统计的详细信息, including total population, median income, number of households and more.;_New_Jersey?g=160XX00US3459640

Major Roads and Highways:

Business Financing Availability

Workforce Training Contact:

Samuel Wear, General Service Representative
Email: [email protected]
Pleasantville office phone: 609-645-6712

How Can We Help You?

